William P Maier MD PC
Phòng Khám Thấp Khớp
633 E 11th Ave Eugene HOẶC 97401
ĐT: (541) 434-5585
Fax: (541) 345-2821
Văn phòng Thanh toán: (855) 824-8661
We continue to take all precautions for your safety.
Masks are optional, but we highly recommend wearing a mask at your visit to reduce exposure to Covid and other viruses. A mask is required for our communal benefit if you are coughing. Continue to ask your family to wait outside unless one person needs to assist you physically or emotionally. We suggest you get this years' flu, Covid vaccines and Covid booster vaccine.
Welcome New Patients. Please review the website for information important to your health. Note that we will not prescribe opioid pain medication for chronic conditions. We will treat your underlying inflammatory disease.
We understand this is a difficult time for our patients--new and old. We will continue your care and request some patience with our clinic during this time of transition.
Dr Lamichhane and Dr Elmergawy's last day at this clinic is Friday Feb 28, 2025. All Rx refills and Infusions will be handled by Dr Maier and employees as those orders will be paused after the departure of Dr Lamichhane and Dr Elmergawy.
Dr William P Maier remains the active MD rheumatologist at this clinic.
He will see new and old patients for urgent visits, refill meds, give injections, and patients may choose to infuse at the clinic monitored by Dr Maier. He will see the patients of his two former colleagues for any urgent needs, for the continuity of care issues, imaging reviews, and will attend to the patients with insurance plans not accepted by OPTUM/Oregon Medical Clinics.
We will re-open our infusion center for rheumatology and other specialty treatments in March 2025.
For information on the departing MD new schedules, please call the OPTUM/OMG rheumatology clinic (541) 741-0387 As patients and MDs ask, we will send chart notes to the OPTUM/Oregon Medical Group clinics. We expect them to begin seeing patients by late March or April.
Dịch vụ phiên dịch và dịch thuật
Các bác sĩ tại phòng khám của chúng tôi tuân thủ luật dân quyền hiện hành của Liên bang và không phân biệt đối xử dựa trên chủng tộc, màu da, nguồn gốc quốc gia, độ tuổi, tình trạng khuyết tật hoặc giới tính.
Chúng tôi có sẵn dịch vụ biên dịch/thông dịch viên với thông báo một tuần trước cuộc hẹn của bạn.
Gọi số văn phòng chính
(541) 434-5585.
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ВНИМАНИЕ: Если вы говорите на русском языке, то вам доступны бесплатные услуги перевопа.
ध फोन
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chú ý: Nếu bạn nói tiếng Việt, có các dịch vụ hỗ trợ ngôn ngữ miễn phí dành cho bạn.
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ียน: ถ้า คุณ ภาษา คุณ สามารถ บริการ บริการ ช่วยเหลือ ทาง ทาง ได้ ได้
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LUS CEEV: Yog tias koj hais lus Hmoob, cov kev pab txog lus, muaj kev pab dawb rau koj.
ໂປດ ຊາບ ຊາບ ຊາບ ສາ ສາ ລາວ ລາວ ລາວ ລາວ ລາວ ໂດຍ ໂດຍ ໂດຍ ບໍ່ ບໍ່ ບໍ່ ຄ່າ ຄ່າ ແມ່ນ ມີ ມີ ພ້ອມ
ا. باش می فاھمت: گ
ВНИМАНИЕ: Если вы говорите на русском языке, то вам доступны бесплатные услуги перевопа.